A new article titled “Understanding the deactivation process of a microfibrous entrapped cobalt catalyst in supercritical fluid Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis” has recently been accepted for publication in the prestigious catalysis journal Catalysis Today. Dr. Hanif Choudhury is the lead author of this article. The other co-authors from the group who contributed to this article are Shaik Afzal and Anuj Prakash. This publication has been the result of NPRP-7 cycle grant issued to Prof. Nimir Elbashir and is the fruit of a successful collaboration between the CaRE-FUEL lab team of Prof. Nimir Elbashir and Auburn University –Center for Microfibrous Materials Manufacturing of Prof. Bruce Tatarchuk. The article can be accessed at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2019.01.031.
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